Friday, August 27, 2004

It's good to have a dream...

I always wanted to be an idiot savant, but today I will just have to settle for idiot.

I came home from a language lesson this afternoon in ‘multi-task’ mode and started doing dishes and laundry and listening to music and working on my Photoshop training DVD all at pretty much the same time. Well, doing dishes began with turning on the hot water and then being sidetracked by a dishtowel that needed to be put in with the current load of washing. This took me past my computer on the return trip where the training program had finally loaded and I sat down to work.

Mind you, I listen to music quite loudly when I ‘m alone so if it hadn’t been for the death-wish of a quite large, ugly and hugely annoying fly I wouldn’t have followed it into the kitchen to grant its wish and discover that a Tupperware lid had become wedged over the drain in the sink and I had recreated a lovely, steaming, frothing Niagra Falls in my kitchen.

Thank god for a well placed kitchen rug that sacrificed itself and bravely soaked up the boiling, steaming water to bursting level and turned an apocalyptic mess into a mere catastrophe.

Of course moving the steaming rug/dam to the garage became another comedy of errors and a comedy for another day.

Now if I could just find a way to blame this on the French my day would be complete…

That’s my day today, how’s yours?

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