Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Is that a thing?...

Went to Trixie's house today in my IT capacity.  Pulled into the driveway and sat for a bit finishing a text I was sending.

Then her 'crazy' neighbor's garage door opens and a car backs out. The car stops at the end of the driveway and parks. The man in the car rolls down his window reclines his seat and lights up a cigarette. 

Finish my text, hit send, and observe the man tapping ash out the window.

Go in, fix Trixie's phone, and 30 minutes later come out in time to see the man pulling back into his garage and closing the garage door.

Only in the midwest.... and it wasn't even that cold outside...50º what a weeny.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

What happens in Vegas...?

So, my brain is kind of like Vegas. Bear with me through this belabored metaphor. I'd say it'll be worth it, but maybe it won't.

You know how what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.  My brain plays the same game with the rooms in my house. 

I'm in the bedroom and remember I need to pull some chicken out of the freezer for dinner.  I leave the bedroom and halfway to the basement I've already forgotten where I was headed and for what reason. BUT, if I return to the bedroom I remember.  What I thought of in the bedroom apparently stays in the bedroom. 

I'm in the kitchen and remember that I need to switch the laundry from the washer to the drier. The second, and I mean the very second that I turn the corner into the hall, I have literally forgotten where I was going and what I was doing.  Turn around back into the kitchen and there it is.  Like it was written on the air. I clearly need to start carrying a notepad around for a written/visual reminder... or I could continue this way and just call it good exercise.


Got the lights up! Now the tree...

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Rylan and Izzy

So last week I'm leaving the neighborhood and as I'm driving down the street I see ahead of me a child and a dog. The child was maybe 3 years old and he's walking in the gutter, actually weaving up on the curb then back into the gutter then out in the road a bit. The very large German Shepard following him is sniffing along the child's back trail about 3 feet behind him. From maybe three houses away still, I'm scanning the area for a parent or adult or anyone who is supposed to be watching the child, but perhaps whose attention has lapsed. There is no one in sight anywhere.

Suddenly the child looks up from his ruminating and sees my van. He steps into the street in front of my vehicle and puts both hands up, palms out as if to stop me. Believe me when I say that I had already slowed to a crawl and stop I did!

I park the van right in the middle of the road. Thinking I should pull to the curb but I'm afraid to move the car with the child and dog so close and not knowing what this little guy is going to do next.

There is a considerable moment of apprehension as I start to open my door and seriously wonder about that big dog. As there is still no one else in sight, I go ahead and ease the door open and climb out. 

"What are you doing buddy?" I say. Not too loudly so as not to startle the dog. "Where's your mom?"

As I walk around to the front of my car he runs toward me (and so does the dog) and puts his arms up to be picked up. I pick him up and he snuggles in and puts his head on my shoulder. The dog, who is wearing a three-inch-wide leather collar that says 'Izzy' on it, also jumps up on me with a lolling smile on its face.

"Where's your mom honey?"

"Ober der." he says vaguely waving his arms toward an empty lot across the street.

There is still no one else in sight and now that I have the little guy and I don't know what to do with him. I'd like to pull my car to the curb, but I'd have to get both boy and dog into the van for safety before I move it. Then what?! I do not know where to even begin with this. Get him in the car and start driving the streets looking for distraught parents? Is he supposed to be napping and has sneaked out? If so, how long before someone notices he's missing? Do I just start knocking on all the doors along his back trail? In the direction that the child pointed there are two empty lots before the nearest house and that's not the direction he was coming from. I am at a complete loss. Do I just start shouting as loud as I can that I've found someone's child? He couldn't have come far, if he'd been walking for any length of time, someone else would have found him by now.  Assuming that he came from nearby though, really does not clarify my options for me.

I say to the little guy, lets put you in the car with Izzy so we can move the car. 

"NO!" he says forcefully to me and starts to struggle away from me. 

"Ok, ok, no car. Just sit here." I say, placing him on the driver's seat. He squirms a bit at that but decides to trust me that far.  I reach into the car, grab my phone, and call a neighbor. 

"Hey Caroline, I found a child in the street and now I don't know what to do"


"I'm out here on the street, down the block from your place.  I found a small child walking the street and there is no caretaker in sight."

"I'm coming.... " she says, hanging up.

A little while later, Caroline comes running out of her house and is dialing 911 on her phone as she comes down the street.

Meanwhile, a FedEx van has come down the street and the driver is looking at me like I'm nuts because he has to drive around my van while I hold onto a child and a dog to make room for him to get by.

The little guy is jabbering at me and putting his arms out to be picked up again. I walk him and Izzy over to the curb where I figure I can hang on to them and Caroline can get my car out of the street. 

I can see that Caroline has stopped on her front lawn while she talks to the 911 operator.

Suddenly I hear a blood-curdling scream from down the street and from out of a house come a clearly hysterical couple. The man is yelling "Rylan! Rylan!"

I shout over to them "He's right here! He's ok, he's right here."

The man comes running over and then immediately doubles over, hands on knees, breathing hard. "Oh my god. Oh my god!"

Now I'm worried this guy is going to have a heart attack. "It's ok, he's fine. It's totally all right. Oh, I assume Izzy is your dog?"

"Yes, she goes everywhere he does. Oh my god. We just moved in, we had no idea he could open the doors. We will be installing latches on all the doors!" 

I shout over to Caroline, "Caroline, it's ok! We've found his parents!"

"Grandparents." Says the man. "We're his grandparents."

Well, that explains why he didn't know where his mom was. 

"It's ok, he's fine and Izzy was taking care of him." Well, sort of, it would have been helpful if she'd kept him out of the street. But at least she stayed with him. "And if it makes you feel any better he absolutely refused to get into my car."

Grandma has stayed over on their front lawn, and she's clearly crying.  This had scared everyone!!

I set Rylan down and he hides behind my legs. "Come on over here son," says grandpa. Rylan heads over and grandpa picks him up. "I am so sorry, great first impression to the neighbors.  We just moved in a week ago."

"No worries, these things happen. And Rylan is a real sweety... so is Izzy.  Not gonna lie, I was a little worried about Izzy's temperament."

"Oh, she's a gentle giant and she really keeps an eye out for Rylan.  Well, thanks for hanging on to him for us."

"No worries, and welcome to the neighborhood!"

Those poor people, I've not seen them out of their house since.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Day to day realities...

The kids helped me assemble the Christmas card mailing today.  It was wonderful assembly line fun. Mr. Ford would have been proud. Now, quality control did get a bit off track when I stopped for a snack. So if you get your card at all, consider yourself quite lucky. Kai Cooper thought it would be fun to see if I was paying attention and he didn't put a card in some envelopes.  I think I found all the empty envelopes...

If you are lucky enough to get an actual card and something is slightly amiss, now you now know why. Cormac got some of the mailing labels upside down, I think on purpose...

There are a few envelopes where Carrington got the stamp a bit too close to the corner and I fear they may stick to other mail and not be delivered on time. And finally,  if your card smells slightly of peanut butter, sorry, that was me.


I have some friends that have COVID in their households.  I'm helping them cope by offering to bring by adult beverages for the unaffected caretaking adult.  If someone in your household has COVID and you would like my special services, drop me a text.


It's after dinner and I'm playing my favorite cleanup game. It's called 'Guess The Correct Sized Container For Your Leftovers'. The scoring goes like this: 5 points if you guess the exact size you need. 3 points if you guess too big. And -3 if you guess too small and have, in the process, created more dishwashing. No throwing away of food is allowed nor last-minute eating of the extras. 

It's been a bad week for me and I'm down 18 points. It's a good thing that Sean does the after-dinner dishes...😂

Saturday, November 07, 2020

It's a good day...

Enjoying my first peaceful and stress and anxiety free cup of coffee in days. 

Can I just say that 2020 has been more of a roller coaster ride than I'm up for.

I got the notification from CNN on my phone that it was official - sort of - Biden is president of the US. I went to the TV and turned on CNN and I saw a news person so overcome with the emotion that he could hardly speak. Through tears and a trembling voice, he spoke so eloquently about what we have all suffered through these past 4 years and the hope that this new chapter brings.

CNN's Van Jones brought to tears as Joe Biden wins US election.

Thursday, November 05, 2020


So last year on this day there was snow on the ground.  It had snowed for Halloween and it had stuck. This year it's been a week of 70º or near 70º days. It's November and I have doors and windows open to let in the sun and warmth. Incroyable!


Got word yesterday from the superintendents of schools saying that ALL elementary students will start back on November 30th. I think not. Thanksgiving celebrations are being forecast to be super-spreader events, the outcomes of which won't be entirely known until 14 days after Thanksgiving; December 10th, give or take. So no, we will not be sending our kids back to school on the 30th like sacrificial lambs to test the waters. Really, why do they bother pretending to make these plans when the science already says no.


Aidric is taking food science this semester. Today's class consists of watching the teacher make egg noodles on his Chromebook screen. So sad!! If the kids were in school Aidric would be learning to make egg noodles, hands-on. Maybe he can retake the class at a later point. He really could have used this life skills class.

Monday, November 02, 2020

The Long Goodbye

Our dear neighbors around the corner from us/behind us are moving to South Carolina. Their house sold in under 14 days. Their house is almost exactly the same floor plan as ours except flipped - a mirror image. The one big difference in the houses is that their basement is finished and has a full bath in it, ours not so much.  They sold for a good price so, something to look forward to... someday.

Two weekends ago they had a garage sale and I went over to snoop and chat with Caroline. She had a beautiful leather armchair for sale for $15. I KNOW!! Right! I bought it for the guest room. A guest of ours once commented that it would be nice to be able to sit in 'her room' and read. Anyway, it's a lovely overstuffed chair and I'm very pleased with it. Sean and Aidric were not nearly as please since they had to load it on a dolly, walk it around the corner and then carry it up the stairs. Still, I like it.

They will close on the house on December 10th and then they will be gone. Caroline has texted me almost every day this week to ask if I wanted this or that other thing she ran across during her packing.  Blueprints for the house (albeit reverse of our house but still, useful), a bound copy of the HOA covenants and bylaws, a set of business cards she has for all the original workmen that she still calls for repairs on things (she figures if they built it they know its quirks and how to fix it), assorted odds and ends like tiles from the bathroom (exactly the same as ours), a manual for the jetted tub (same one) and a piece of wood with stain samples, with names and brands, for the kitchen cabinets. 

I'm happy to take all these little treasures off her hands, but I wonder if it's her way of saying goodbye to the place... well, and finding a way not to have pack up a bunch of useless shit.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Let's go...

In the summer warmth, everything is about the outside. The front door left open to see everything that's going on out there.  All the windows at the back of the house closed and curtained to keep out the midday heat. But once it's cooled off into fall it's the opposite. The front door closed to keep out the cold and all the curtains at the back of the house opened to let in some watery sunshine and warmth.  Ah, fall! I do love it so. Sitting on the couch reading a new book and drinking scalding hot coffee to warm myself up. 

I want to go to the orchard today to pick up a bag of Pink Ladies and some cider donuts. Maybe bake a pie or crumble, just to turn on the oven and warm up the house. But these days the thought that occurs immediately following 'Let's go...' is '...probably best not to'. I've always been a homebody but this forced isolation has me dreaming of all the places I wish I could go. 

Ah, well, more coffee and back to my book.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

True Story...

If you are waiting for a phone call and you've been waiting for a while, here is my advice. Go to the bathroom.  The second you drop your drawers the phone will ring. If it doesn't, then it's safe to assume that call is never coming.


I think that in order to avoid the political madness for the next 15 days I may just stay slightly not sober. It's the only way I'll be able to remain sane through all this insanity.


It's snowing right now! Big, fat flakes! Not sticking though.


Time to tighten our social circle. Smaller covid bubbles for protection.


I voted early today!


I'll admit to a certain amount of depression these days. In a world where COVID keeps moving the finish line, everything seems to exude bad news. The TV, the internet, and my email inbox seem to overflow with dark and sinister messages.  The political climate and the economy and civil unrest. It's like a Stephen King novel where the very air carries malevolent intent and it can't be avoided. I'll just go into the kitchen and pour myself a post noon adult beverage and everything will look a bit better.

It's all I've got today folks, sorry.  I'll perk up soon.

Monday, October 12, 2020

5 Things

Every morning I get an e-mail from CNN. It is called 5 things. It covers the top 5 stories of the morning plus a section called 'breakfast browse' followed by 'this just in...' ending with 'and finally...'. Each story is usually just a sentence and a link to the full story if you should want to pursue it.

Each heading is like a section in the newspaper. Breakfast browse includes sports news and things to look forward to. 'this just in...' usually starts with a number. But my favorite part is 'and finally...'

The 'and finally...' section is almost always a video that they've found.  These videos can be on any subject from a massive work of falling dominoes to a wildlife camera in Canada to a video on how pencils are made.

Today's video is a compilation of short videos on libraries. A collection of collections. It's 13 minutes long but watch to the end for the smell library. It doesn't even come close to being complete but it's interesting. I saved the number to my phone for the Ask NYPL line.

The World's Most Magnificent Libraries  

Just as an 'oh by the way' side note.  The CNN email features a 10 question quiz on Sunday that tests your attention to the week's news stories.  It's fun for us competitive types.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Minute Pirate Bugs

Trying to enjoy what I believe has to be one of the last 70º days of this year. However, this summer and fall have given rise to these weird little eensy-weensy black bugs.  These things are so small they actually are coming into the house through the window screens. Their bite is like nothing you've ever felt, so painful you expect to see blood. 

I was so annoyed by them that I called our pest control company to see if they could make a special trip out and do anything about them. I hate that I'm missing wonderful 'open window' weather because I can't open the windows!

The girl at Ecoshield said I should send her a photo of the bugs. So I sent her theses.

...for scale...
             Showing the diffuser for scale.                          

This is the bug on the diffuser.
This is the one is on the diffuser.

I found this interesting news story about the little darlings. Also, this short and informative article from Iowa State on Google. Which I also sent her. She said the same thing that the article says, there really isn't anything that works on them that would be safe to use around the house.

So I guess the comforting part is that they are neither sucking nor depositing things into you, they are in fact not even biting you. They are only probing you to see if you are food. Makes me feel so much better! It is true that they seem immune to any bug spray or repellent and that as soon as it started to warm up on my front porch they appeared.

I get mosquito-bite type welts and I have a ring of them around my wrists and ankles and some along the neckline of my t-shirt.

What a great way to ruin our beautiful last days of Indian Summer and actually have me wishing for frost.

Thursday, October 08, 2020

Green light alarm!

So, in the past, I've been very kind-hearted about people who don't notice that the light has turned green.  You know, they're in front of you, the light turns green, and they're obviously not paying attention. I give them a few extra seconds to notice and then I give them a light tap of the horn to wake them up.

Well, in the more recent past it has become obvious that what they're doing is texting or watching TikTok on their phone while being the first in line at the light. That is just annoying and rude. I began to be much less patient with these fools and I began to give those people the few seconds and then a slightly more insistent blast of the horn.

But in the last few days, it has happened a lot more often. I'm not the only that has noticed either. As I'm giving these people a few seconds before giving them the blast, the person behind me has already started to lay on their horn.

Today on the way to the post office it happened again and it suddenly occurred to me.  These people aren't the least bit abashed about being honked at. They are using the car behind them as their eyes.  They are going to sit there watching their phone until the person behind them honks and signals to them that the light has turned green. They're not at all carried away by what they're doing, they're using me as their green light alarm!

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Don't cry over spilled... undelivered.... milk...

So... funny story. Back in March, you know, because Covid, I decided to start getting milk delivered. Oberweis Dairy had an advert about a deal they were running. The promo said that if you order over $20 of products for delivery each week they will waive the weekly delivery fee.  Plus they offered a free Oberweis delivery cooler for your front porch. 

Ordering $20 of dairy a week was not going to be a problem. More importantly, I thought that delivery of the basics like milk and eggs would keep me from having to go to the store every week and save on my potential exposure. Snacks and non-perishables I can get on Amazon but perishables are something that I'd have to go out for at least once a week. So I signed up and we began our adventure. 

Unfortunately, I was not the only one with this idea.  

So, my cooler was delivered and my deliveries began.  I was told that my items would be delivered by 8pm on Wednesday night. That is when the truck is in DeKalb, Wednesdays. Due to the sudden popularity of this service, however,  my Wednesday night deliveries began to get later and later and eventually became very early Thursday morning deliveries. Like 2 am Thursday morning. Well, the problem was that I'd stay up, you see, to bring in the refrigerated items to sanitize them, but also so they weren't on the porch all night.  Not that that was a big deal back in March, but in April/May, it was starting to be a bit warmer and I didn't want to take a chance with my dairy products getting too warm. 

It was annoying, but mostly I felt bad for those delivery guys, they were working long shifts. There weren't enough drivers and I think more importantly, not enough refrigerated trucks to get everything delivered. Eventually, though, they hired more drivers and got more trucks and my deliveries began arriving by noon on Wednesday. That issue was fixed within a few months. 

One issue however that persists is shortages. I order at least a gallon and a half of milk a week, most often 2 1/2, plus eggs, cheese, and sometimes yogurt or granola, lemonade, butter, chocolate milk, and a couple of times bread. (The bread is preservative-free and quite delicious.  But it starts to mold very quickly.)

Almost every week something I order is not available.  A few weeks into this delivery experiment I received an email addressing the shortages. They said that when they don't have enough of something, priority is given to their long time customers over new customers.  I totally get that, seems fair. Sometimes it would be disappointing to not get half and half or cream or chocolate milk. Sometimes no eggs. These things happen and there is always something unavailable.

Today's order, however, was unexpectedly odd. It arrived promptly by 11 am. Luna was sitting by the storm door watching the guy deliver, so he even left a little milk-bone on top of the cooler for her.  So sweet! 

So I go out to bring my loot in from the cooler and there's this note on top:

No big deal, I mean, I've never gotten a note before about a shortage, but I always expect it. The notes must be something new.  I look into the cooler and notice that I did get my chocolate milk, that's big because the kids love their chocolate milk.  There are eggs and cheese and yogurt and even a raspberry danish that looked good on the website and I thought I'd try. But, what I did not get today was milk! WTF?! That had to be a mistake, right? Can a dairy run out of milk? I can't do without milk. What is happening right now?

Oberweis Dairy Milk, Whole

I called the number on the note and they are delivering my 2 gallons of milk tomorrow. The driver actually ran out of whole milk. (Could he have written that on the note?) He didn't put enough milk on the truck. Yikes!  Plan ahead dude! Dog biscuits on the truck, but no milk! That was weird.


Totally tangential to the story. Before Covid, I had read a news story about how Oberweis was going to file for bankruptcy. They were getting ready to either fold or really scale back their operation.  The milk delivery business was outdated and old fashioned and wasn't as popular as it had once been.

Oberweis has to be one of the few businesses that were not killed by Covid. One of the few businesses that were actually saved by Covid. They are actually thriving under this pandemic life we're living.

Sunday, October 04, 2020

Minecraft and more...

I've been watching The West Wing. I think it's because of a subconscious desire for that. A presidential candidate of intelligence, wit, and moral substance. It doesn't seem like too much to ask... is it?

I left Facebook because of this, but can I just say one thing.  I want karma to be particularly cruel, not fatal, just damned hard.

Ok, I'm done with that. I'm not really but for here and now...


Anyway, while I was watching one of my all-time favorite shows, my geeky son begged me to come upstairs and 'see something'. 

He made a really cool world in Minecraft and he needed me to see it.  It really was quite spectacular as far as Minecraft goes.  Labs for crafting and a quite extensive mining operation to get all his materials, both facilities powered by lava. Two beautiful villages just so the villagers can grow all the food he needs and a spectacular house.  The house included stairs covered in plants that upgrade your health and give you invincibility. He's been working on this for 4 days.

Wouldn't it be great if it were all that easy? 


I'm pretty sure I've blogged about this before, but... I miss book stores! I miss the smell and touching all the books and judging them by their cover.  Picking up an interesting looking cover and reading the flyleaf to see if the story sounds as good as the picture hints.

I miss sitting on the floor among the shelves and just reading snippets of everything in reach. I miss, making a stack of potential purchases and carrying them around with me until the stack is too large and I have to either whittle it down (So I can choose other likely candidates) or go buy them. 

I miss bringing that stack home and adding it to the dwindling stack on the nightstand.  

When you search for a title on Amazon you are first sent to the kindle listing, then the audio, and last the hardcover.  I friggin hate Kindle books.  Searching through one to find what someone said about something is harder than just sticking a finger in your spot and rifling through the rest of the pages. It's not user friendly and you can't dog-ear pages of special significance.

Bring back bookstores and real books!


First fall picture, apparently fall begins on the south side of trees.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

About Carla

Apparently, I wrote this entry on December 13, 2004, and never published it. 

Carla was our next-door neighbor. Her parents, Ann and Gille, thought that we could benefit from spending time together.  Carla could learn English and I could learn french.  So I would walk across the street and collect her after school almost every afternoon and spend time with her until one of her parents came to claim her again.  We learned a few words from each other, but not many. Honestly, play is its own communication and few words are necessary. So that experiment was doomed to fail from the beginning. All we did was play. 

There is a word that I will always remember though.  Dégueulasse! Carla said it one day as she watched me make Hawaiin chicken for dinner. She declaimed it more than once actually... several times in fact. When her parents got home I asked them what it meant and they were deeply embarrassed that their child had been so rude to me. I thought it was hysterical. Mostly because, despite all her Frenchness, Carla was a typical 4 year old. Once they saw that I thought it was funny and was not at all upset, they had a good laugh over it too. They threatened to leave Carla for dinner. 

The French dictionary defines dégueulasse as disgusting, revolting, shitty, swinish, putrid... so you see...

Anyway, here's the post...

Carla walks down the sidewalk in the same self-absorbed way that all small children do. She walks down the middle of the sidewalk in the manner of a child who has not yet been informed that she, in fact, is not the center of the entire universe. She doesn't even watch where she's going while she scouts for interesting bits of flotsam to pick up and pocket, I steer her by palming the top of her head and turning it gently in the direction I want her to go. Eventually, though, I get tired of trying to avoid stepping on her heels and I nudge her to the inside edge of the sidewalk so I can walk next to her. 

She keeps up a constant stream of chatter and questions, which I can barely hear, let alone understand. It doesn't seem to matter, she doesn't require any actual input from me. If she does need an answer she'll look up at me when she speaks so I know that she is actually addressing me and needs a response.

Today, in an effort to just get her out of the house and away from the TV, I tricked her into exercising by making her walk to the bakery with me. Amazing what the promise of a sweet treat can do to motivate a 4-year-old.  I realize that part of her ceaseless chatter is a dialogue in which she's wondering out loud what she'll get.

When we arrive at the boulangerie Carla walks along looking into all the counters until she comes to the patisserie counter. She stands there carefully considering all of her options. I'm amazed at how self-assured she is, how confident in her world she is. She makes her choice and then looks to me. They hand her her meringue and I ask for my baguettes de rigueur and an éclair au café for my walk home treat.

The return trip is tastier and much quieter than the trip out though much slower, if that's possible. Carla turns up her sweet little face and with a mouth full of meringue says 'sank you, Missy'. I make a face at her and say 'Carla! Dégueulasse!' We both laugh so hard we're spewing crumbs onto the sidewalk. It only makes us laugh harder as we both try to say 'dégueulasse!' again to each other.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Clear As Day

I have been wanting a storm/screen door on the front door since we moved in and a screen door for the garage door.  For air in the summer and light in the winter. Plus they have deadbolts and offer an extra layer of security.

In Sycamore we had a storm door where you had to switch out the frame seasonally.  A full-sized screen for summer and a full-sized window for winter. It was a beautiful door but a pain in the butt to switch out and then store the unused frame.

In Camarillo, I wanted a storm door for the same reasons but we couldn't find storm doors in California.  We eventually found a 'screen' door that was heavier duty than a regular screen door. It was in fact a security door.  However, after installation, we realized that the 'screen' part was actually not a screen it was more of a metal grill, like a metal sheet with perforations. The door part was pretty, a treble clef pattern that swirled across in front of the screen. The door, unfortunately, let in neither light nor air because of that weird screen. I only bring this door up because Sean wanted to get one of those for the DeKalb house, but I had to kill that idea right off. No light and no air.

So after we looked and shopped around and made pro and con lists, (not really) we purchased two storm doors. One for the front and one for the garage. They are half and half. two glass panels. The upper one pulls down and as you pull it down and it drags down a roller screen. They are actually pretty cool. 

Sean spent the past two days installing the doors and they look amazing. So happy with them.

However, yesterday while I was out on the sidewalk admiring the new doors I realized something. I'm going to have to keep my front room much tidier. With that large open glass window right in the middle there, you can see all the way through to the back of the house. All the mess of books scattered everywhere and the dog hair accumulation on the floor and under the furniture and someone's clean laundry on the stairs waiting for some enterprising young person to actually carry it upstairs. 

So the moral of today's story is, be careful what you wish for you might get it.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Welcome to Monday's after school activities.

Shouts are coming from in front of the TV.

Cormac: 'KILL HIM!! Kill him! Kill him! Die dummy, die!'

Kai: 'No! I died! Avenge me! Hey! He's stealing my stuff, kill him!'

Cormac: 'What are you doing newb, you can't kill him with a stone ax! You need a diamond sword!'

But strangest of all...

Kai: 'Don't kill the chickens, I have to make 20 of them my friends...'

Just another game of Minecraft...


Honestly, the words coming from upstairs, that Aidric doesn't think I can hear are worse.  Aidric plays an on-line, multi-player game, among many others, called 'Escape from Tarkov'. The rallying cries to encourage his teammates to further violence and pillaging are a bit chilling and sometimes I swear he's swearing in Russian.

Today I'm in his room making sure his laundry has been actually put away (not stuffed under something where I won't see it and believe he's done as I asked). It has. 

'Hey mom, come here.' He asks me to sit in his very comfy 'gaming chair'.  I do and he slips his headphones over my ears, 'I want you to meet my friend 'Atwood' ' (Not his real name, changed to protect his other 'not real name')

'Atwood, say Hi to my mom.'

''Hello?' I say into a slightly stunned silence.

'Hello ma'am.?' A deep young voice, I'd place him in the 18-20 year range.

'Hi, how's it going.'

'Great thank you...       

Thanks for letting your son play with us. He's a great asset on our team. You should know, he is a very polite and well-mannered kid, you should be very proud of him'

'O  K, thanks. Not something you'd expect to hear or think was important during a bloody shooting game...'

'No, but he is.  You should hear some of the other mouth breathers on here. No one ever bothered to teach them about manners and decency.'

'You'd think that sort of behavior would put you at a disadvantage... manners and decency I mean.'

'No, people notice and want to play with him. They know he's got their backs.'

'Good to hear, thank you...'

One of the strangest conversations I've ever had with a teenager.


Carrington shouts 'Mimi, watch this!'


Rhythmic slapping on the coffee table. Then suddenly, Squirtle the stuffed turtle goes flying into the air with here-to-fore unknown grace and agility. Flipping and cartwheeling through empty air for all he's worth, then landing softly and incredibly feet down on a couch pillow a few feet away!


...  'I think you mean DRUM roll'

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Nobody better lay a finger on my Baby Ruth bar

I keep a very well-stocked pantry. I always have, this is not a new thing since Covid. I'm very anal about this (and many other things...) so I always make sure that there is at least one extra of everything, but usually 2 extra of everything.  All organized and on shelf risers so that everything is visible. Honestly, the only thing missing is an inventory list on a clipboard hanging from a hook on the wall, but nevermind. I said I was anal, not crazy.

In this pantry, on a low shelf, there are clear plastic bins with snack items for the children. Chewy Bars, Z-bars, fruit snacks, packages of mixed nuts, Pop-Tarts, Go-go squeezes in various flavors, fruit roll-ups, and popcorn. Often there are other items as snacking whims change. My children and grandchildren are very well acquainted with this area off the kitchen. My grandchildren hit it first thing in the door. They are always in there eating something and I try to keep up with their locust-like appetites.

But! There is another cupboard, a HIGH cupboard, a secret cupboard of grown-up snacks! In said secret cupboard there are Fig Newtons and chocolate-covered biscuits and some french butter cookies and bits of chocolate or chocolate bars, individually wrapped brownies or pastries. In other words, MY snacks. Mine, mine, all mine!!!

Well, someone did not get the memo! The other day I walk into the kitchen to see my son leaning back against a counter, staring at his phone, headphones in his ears, snack midway to his mouth. He was eating one of MY chocolate bars!

'Where did you get that!!' I practically scream at him. He turns and points at 'The SECRET cupboard'.

'Right there.' he says in puzzlement. 'Why?'

Why?! WHY?!

'No reasons'. I say as I try to think of a new SECRET cupboard. The cretins have gotten taller than me!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Goodbye Facebook

It turns out that Blogger is still available to me and as much as I loved the 'social' aspect of social media, I really enjoyed sharing my nonsense stories.  

So find me here from time to time and I'll share with you the mundane and the ridiculous.  We'll see how this works, you can comment here I think to share news of a personal nature. I would love to hear your stories, of your life, too.