Saturday, April 22, 2006

Strong upward trend...

Reality check:

1 gallon = 3.78541 liters

1.45 €/liter x 3.78541 liters/gallon = 5.4888 €/gallon

1€ = $ 1.23


1.23 $/€ x 5.4888 €/gallon = 6.75 $/gallon

That’s right folks, we're already paying almost $7.00 for a gallon of gas in France and that's only going to go up. See, that's really why 'French Women Don't Get Fat'. It's because they walk everywhere. Of course they do it with class and sophistication in their ultra-pointy-sure-to-give-you-bunions fancy shoes. But France is set up for that isn't it? Small town village feel with grocery stores and butchers’ and post offices all within walking distance. You take your little rolling grocery basket and head into town and do your banking and shopping and posting and then head home. A cardiovascular and weight bearing workout all in one 45 minute outing. Something to think about folks. I'm thinking of a slogan like "Feet! The alternate fuel!"


I took Aidric to the doctor on Thursday for his first round of vaccinations. In France the doctor writes a prescription for the vaccinations and you pick them up at the pharmacy and bring them with you to the appointment. Also prescribed are little analgesic pads that you put on the area to be injected an hour before hand to numb the area. So a pain relieving pad on each thigh and Aidric was set to resume his long forgotten role as human pin cushion.

He still screamed bloody murder though. And they make you hold your kid while they needle him so he looks at YOU with that eloquent look that says "Mommy, how could you do this to me?" Quivering bottom lip in full pout and actual tears streaming down his adorable little face with that hurt, bewildered and unbelieving look in his eyes. It's enough to reduce any mortal to you know me, I was crying too while trying to tell him it was all alright. He didn't seem convinced by my unconvincing stab at bravery. All this to be repeated again next month.

Anyway, current Aidric stats: He now weighs 13 lbs 11 oz. this is a gain of 4 lbs. 12 oz. since birth. He is 24.4 inches long which is a gain of 3.6 inches. This places him in the 90% range for (French) boys his age for height and weight. He’s a big boy by French standards. You wouldn’t think he’d be this big if you judged him by how hard it is to get him to eat.

He’s like his mom, he just can’t be bothered to sit still for a meal, or rather how I was when I was growing up. Eating was too time consuming and I had better things to do. Like read!


We're spending the afternoon out on the back porch today for the first time this season. S is asleep in my 'chaise longe' and Aidric is dozing in his swing. I'm sitting at the table typing this and soaking up my 10 minutes of vitamin D. Well, considerably more than 10 minutes from inception to post of this (and every other) blog entry, but considering how pasty the winter has made me, I could use the sunshine.

P.S. For those of you waiting for return e-mails I appologize, I'm working on it. Shelly, Pete, Em, Tris, Ky, Shannon and 'handsome stranger' I'm not ignoring you I swear. I still love you.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Long Live Whats-her-name!

So I have to say first of all, I don't know who invented the 'Cradle Swing' but whoever did deserves every penny of the millions she's surely made off of the idea.

When my mom was here she said we should get one, that it would free me up a bit and that Aidric would love it. I said I'd look into it and then fate came into play by way of S's co-workers who gave us some cash for a baby gift. So we went out on Saturday and we found a really nice swing from Fisher-Price.

It's the Ocean Wonders Aquarium Cradle Swing and it is fabulous! It plays music or ocean sounds or rain sounds or babbling brook sounds and it rocks side to side or front to back and it has six speeds and it has a mobile that lights up and turns AND Aidric loves it. He falls asleep in it and he likes watching the fishies turn on the mobile. It is the greatest thing since sliced bread I tell you.


Daddy took Aidric to the park today for a guys bonding day out. As you can tell from the photos below Aidric was really impressed and had a great time ;)

I guess some people are just really hard to impress


On Friday Aidric and I met my friend Ellian for lunch in downtown Toulouse. Friday was the first day of the Easter Holidays and starting at noon everyone was trying to get out of town. Traffic was IMPOSSIBLE and downtown was a sea of people.

Now, these days I hesitate to go out much because of having to tote the diaper bag and stroller and all the stuff that comes with traveling with a baby.

Our stroller is one of those all inclusive mondo strollers where the baby's car seat snaps into it so I don't have to take the baby out of one seat and transfer him to another. The thing is so big that it takes up most of the room in my trunk. The basket underneath carries the diaper bag and my purse with room to spare for shopping and it's double canopy keeps Aidric warm and out of the weather. It's heavy and cumbersome, but let me tell you that after Friday’s adventures I'll never complain about its size again.

We had a great time just bulldozing down the sidewalk behind the stroller. I tell you what, at one point I was cutting through the crowds like a hot knife through butter, I was making such good time that there was a another mom drafting me with her tiny umbrella stroller it was great.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Aidric loves company

Since birth Aidric (and Mommy) have had a string of visitors dropping in to tell Aidric how adorable he is and to help mommy deal with His Highness.

Many photos have been taken, here are some of Aidric and his adoring public.

Aidric's first visitor was his sister. She tried to take him home with her. Aidric adored her and I caught them whispering together several times. I just know that J was filling him in on all the things that drive mommy crazy. The two of them plotting against me and getting that brother/sister bond going.

Maggie came to say hello and...

...she brought Vincent with her. He was really, truly afraid to hold Aidric, but offered to teach him the finer points of rugby when he's older.

Grandma Rosella came for two weeks at the end of February. We dragged her away from Florida to the cold south of France to be with us. It was fun to have her around. Aidric enjoyed every moment of the attention and mommy appreciated the company.

Paula came by to meet Aidric and he fell absolutely in love with her. He couldn't take his eyes off of her even when we dragged him away from her, he continued to follow her with his eyes. S thinks it was Aidric's first crush, I think he was just drawn to the contrast of her dark hair and light skin; he still loves mommy best.

Mita came in mid March for a month of total spoiling. Aidric visited the doctor while she was here and was prodded and measured. By mid March he had gained 4 lbs. and grown 3 inches.

Mita brought along...

...Aunt Charlotte. Aunt Charlotte was great for horsey rides and rocking Aidric to sleep and taking care of the daily exercise sessions.

We visited a few sights in France and we went to Andorra. In the middle of the visit Mita and Aunt Charlotte went to Rome for a few days. They went home this morning and boy do we miss them. There is no one there to pick Aidric up at the first sound of a whimper and he's a little ticked about that. It'll be a few days of adjustment, at least I hope it's only a few days.

Daddy came home from two weeks in the US to find that baby 'Cal' was bigger and more alert than when he'd left. Aidric was so happy to see dad and enjoyed some quality time with him.

Currently accepting applications for position of spoiler in chief sooo...who's next?