Monday, October 12, 2020

5 Things

Every morning I get an e-mail from CNN. It is called 5 things. It covers the top 5 stories of the morning plus a section called 'breakfast browse' followed by 'this just in...' ending with 'and finally...'. Each story is usually just a sentence and a link to the full story if you should want to pursue it.

Each heading is like a section in the newspaper. Breakfast browse includes sports news and things to look forward to. 'this just in...' usually starts with a number. But my favorite part is 'and finally...'

The 'and finally...' section is almost always a video that they've found.  These videos can be on any subject from a massive work of falling dominoes to a wildlife camera in Canada to a video on how pencils are made.

Today's video is a compilation of short videos on libraries. A collection of collections. It's 13 minutes long but watch to the end for the smell library. It doesn't even come close to being complete but it's interesting. I saved the number to my phone for the Ask NYPL line.

The World's Most Magnificent Libraries  

Just as an 'oh by the way' side note.  The CNN email features a 10 question quiz on Sunday that tests your attention to the week's news stories.  It's fun for us competitive types.


Jess said...

that was a really cool video!

Vicki said...

We must get together and come up with an interesting question and call the NYPL line, sometime!