I'll be the first to admit it, I'm a little bit of a neat freak. Ok. Yes, I'm a bit anal at times about cleanliness, I've said it, I take full ownership of my obsesive compulsive need for tidiness. As soon as there's a 12 step program for this I'll join it.
So, anyway, it turns out that the thing I love the most about my new granite countertop is the very thing I hate the most about it. See, it really hides the dirt, crumbs, smudges, spills, dribbles, sticky messes, germ traps, evil bits of food that mock me as wipe and wipe and wipe...
Ummmm, what was I....?
Oh, the countertop, right. Yes. So it seems that the only way to be sure that I won't miss any spots and later set my hand down on some hidden mess is to view it from the side and under a bright enough light so that crumbs and even glass rings cast a shadow or show up as dullness on my shiny clean counter top. It's the only way to be absolutely certain that I haven't missed anything.....Hey! Is that some salt there by the salt shaker....@(#)*@)#^%*....Gotta go,.... umm that is all....
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