Wednesday, May 04, 2005

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Well, obviously 42 is, (aside from being my current age) ‘the answer to life, the universe and everything’! And all of you should know that, if you didn’t know this, then you should drop me a line and I’ll send you a copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


I was struck by such a pang of homesickness just now that it made me feel almost physically ill. I am babysitting the adorable Miss Carla; having just promised her (with my fingers crossed - I know, how evil can I be, lying to a child) to call her in an hour and let her get up whether she'd slept or not. I of course hope that she'll fall asleep. I’m beginning to doubt the wisdom of this promise since 45 minutes into it she's already been asking 'ça y'est' (you can guess what that means.) at 5 minute intervals followed by ‘Je n'ai pas envie de dormir’. Lately ‘je n’ai pas envie..’ begins many of her sentences. ‘I don’t feel like…’ Ah the world of a four year old.


Something about the quality of light, the smell of slightly humid springtime air and the slightly warm feeling of obscured sun shining on my back from the window and I am suddenly homesick for San Diego. Homesick for some fresh June gloom beach air, homesick for a quick Starbucks latte out on the patio, homesick for the sights and sounds of PB or La Jolla or downtown. Mostly I think it’s just that 'I want to go home' sadness.

In the midst of laundry and packing to go to Illinois house for the graduation, I feel like that's not far enough. I just want to go home.

If it weren't for 'her royal highness' calling to me every 5 minutes I could really give into this deep blue funk.

Ah well, I guess I’ll let herself get out of bed and we’ll begin our long afternoon, which I know will end not at all well, when around 5:20 she’ll dissolve into cranky tears and tantrums. That ought to keep my mind far from the beach.

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