Friday, January 02, 2004

Rules of Blogging

Ok, rule number 1 of Blogging should be “Never Blog while drunk” though no terrible harm seems to have come from the New Years Eve/New Years episode, it seems a bit slurry to me just the same.

We saw “Calendar Girls” for my birthday, even though S really did not want to see it. It was the only movie currently playing at Gaumont in VO that we hadn’t seen yet. I loved it, I cried, I laughed (still no laughing from the French folk though, humor really loses a great deal in translation) and mostly smiled like an idiot just listening to those accents. Once again completely in love with the Brit accent and vocabulary. Though I have to say that there were many parts of the movie where I was asking ‘huh?’ S will only admit to…

(Hang on a sec, I’m baking a cake and it’s done.

MMmmmmm, will now continue typing with mouthfuls of warm german chocolate cake and cold milk.)

…liking the movie. ‘It was ok’ is the most he will commit to. I don’t think I was so much caught up in the story, though it was good, as I was by the Yorkshire accents and panoramic shots of hill and vale.

Dinner out was at an Italian place called Le Carpaccio. I did not have duck, I had Four Cheese Tortellini that was to die for. S had foi gras ravioli that as I think about it now, I don’t believe I got to even taste for some reason. I think what happened was that I’d had a few drinks and talked non-stop during dinner instead of eating. Hmmm, you’ll have to ask S.

By way of explaining just how ‘happy’ I was, I did the unthinkable. I went down, underground, down three levels of parking structure with S to get the car instead of waiting up top for him like I usually would. Yeah, gives me the complete creeps just thinking it about it now, but didn’t bother me a bit then.

Well, it’s raining here now. (Gasp) (Really!) (No!) (believe it) so I’m going to have more cake and milk. Laundering and cleaning the entire house in preparation for the visit. S and I made out a tentative program of activities. I wanted to include a trip to Barcelona, a quick one-day-hit-the-highlights-whirlwind visit but S has vetoed the idea. He’s been there done that and doesn’t want to go back. I think there’s still some bitterness about the whole highway incident lurking but he won’t admit to it. So instead we think Bilbao. I do so want to go to that awesome Guggenheim so I might be sold on that. Of course final approval depends on how long of a drive it will be and on our guests wishes. I already am feeling bad for them. They’ll be so jet lagged and sleepy and we are going to try and squeeze in as much activity as possible. Looking at the schedule I’ll bet they could squeeze naps in during movies, dinners and driving. It’ll have to hold them, though I bet they’ll need a couple of vacation days to recover from their vacation when they get home.

J and Rich will be here in 4 days. ::dancing happy jig::

Today’s photo is of the ‘Passion Façade’ of the Sagrada Familia Temple.