Picked S up at the airport this morning. I missed him! Well, just a little, I guess. He came bearing gifts, not all for me. On our way home he said he was going to shower and go to work. I had a brief panicked moment when I realized that that meant he was taking the car. I can't give up the car! Are my two weeks of vehicular freedom over? Where did they go? I'm not ready! Before panic could completely set in I feigned a grocery shortage and went for a FINAL drive to the mall and grocery store while he showered. I'll be better soon.
When I returned from my panicked flight to the mall, somewhat restored and calm, the big green I-hope-my-toilet-troubles-are-over truck was arriving. The nice man took a big hose out to the pipe in my back yard and flushed large quantities of water at high pressure through the pipe. Very effective! So happy to have fully functioning toilets again. It's the little things.