Shortly before I left for France I bought 6 pairs of my favorite socks. When I arrived in France, however, I could only locate 5 ½ pairs. Since I was setting up the house from scratch, I felt sure that it couldn’t have wandered too far. After all, it came with me, and it could only be in a few places. Still after 2 months, there was one partnerless sock in my drawer. (I’m so anal that it really drove me nuts to have a partnerless sock in the drawer, but I couldn’t throw it out either, in case the other one came back)
Well, today I found it. It was on the drier, here in Illinois-house. Apparently at some point before I left the little thing became separated from its partner. It valiantly made its way to the drier where it felt sure someone would notice it and at last one of the ‘children’ found it. The thoughtful child placed it ON the drier to await the discovery of its partner.
I have put it in my suitcase and promised it a very warm reception when we reach France and its lonely other half.